Thursday 16 September 2010

An International audience!

When I started writing this blog the purpose was to aid me with my discipline - I thought writing down my trades would a) focus me on constructing good trades in the first place and b) enable easier retrospective analysis of what I do well and what I am not so good at!

I thought I might get a few people that I've met along the way in my trading life reading the odd page.

I've just had a look at the stats - and am absolutely amazed at the number of people looking at these ramblings and at the geographical distribution of those views!

I'm a typical Englishman! I can just about say 'Hello' and 'Can I have a beer, please' in French, German, Italian, Greek and Spanish. I figure if you can accomplish those two things you'll get by almost anywhere in the world!

So for those of you reading in Brazil, Slovenia, Poland, Romania, UAE, Sweden, Kenya, the far east, the Balkans and anywhere else - I'm afraid I can't say 'Hello' in your language, or answer your questions unless they're in English - but thanks for reading and I sincerely hope you find the stuff I write interesting!


  1. Salutari din Romania :)

    Hi from Romania
    I watching every day your blog and i like it very much .

  2. Salutari din England, dancristian! Thank you for your kind words! Dave
