Monday 8 November 2010

I took a (bit of a) merciless ribbing last night....

Below is a snippet from an email sent out to members of Trading Football by Bingo, co-chief trader, earlier today:

Hello troops

A disappointing trading Sunday which was enlivened later in the evening as first Gundulf
led us through his Scatter Gun strategy on the PSG v Marseille game. Altrhough we
appeared to be in trouble as PSG took a quick 2-0 lead, the banter in the chat room
was pure English comedy. Our thick skinned humorous car salesman asked us to keep
the faith and we duly rewarded with a small profit. Community spirit once again in very
strong evidence - a vital aide to the often lonley nature of trading.

Well, it was, as Bingo says, pure English comedy - the problem was I was the fall guy! If anyone can tell me when a French Ligue 1 game last had three goals inside 25 minutes I'd be grateful! This match had 1-1 or possibly 2-1 written all over it  and so I was invited to lead the chaps (don't think there were any chappesses) through the trade. Massive amounts were staked (all of £18 - £10 on 1-1 and 4 each on 1-2 and 2-1).

Trouble was the French footballers showed no inclination whatsoever to stick to their scripts! It was 2-1 by 23 minutes and the trade went tits up....I'll admit to not being 100% comfortable in telling people how to trade a live game - I'm decisive when trading my own money but the idea of potentially making a bad situation worse with other people's money doesn't sit well with me. Basically I froze up a bit - should have been decisive and told everyone to draw the 1-1 stake out at 1-0 but didn't...By 2-0 that advice was obviously redundant - at that point I basically capitulated and told people to red as best they could on 2-1. Before any bets had been matched, I believe, the score was 2-1! The irony, of course, is that the bloody game finished 2-1 - all that frantic 23 minutes blew itself out and very few subsequent chances arose for the remaining 67!

Gentle reader - I was set upon! Like a pack of Cape Hunting Dogs the boys in chat circled their victim, slavering at the jowls and scenting blood! Horrendous pun laden taunts pinged across cyber space one after another. Egging each other on the taunts became so intense that for a few seconds I considered faking a terminal internet connection failure! In desperation I made an impassioned plea for mercy - I remember squeaking at one point 'It's OK - boys - it's gonna end 2-1 - trust me, I'm a car salesman!'. That just caused them to re-double their efforts - 'rabbit in the headlights' , 'we're gunner (get it?) send the boys round!', 'My spreadsheet can't take this £11.21 loss!' - pathetic it was, pitiful to observe...

Of course, as the game went on and the shot count fell away to next to nothing, it became increasingly obvious that my read of the game was 100% accurate. The fury of the mob subsided and I began to get the impression that a certain respect was descending on them - albeit reluctantly. 'Gun's the Messiah' became the call (cue a host of Python-esque postings) - and 'All hail the mighty hero'...

Two things came out of this experience as far I'm concerned. 

Firstly - when something doesn't go according to plan DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT - don't sit there like the 'rabbit in the headlights'. Your first priority is to protect your bank! Remember that and you'll not go far wrong.

Secondly, Bingo is right! Trading can be a lonely existence. The heavy handed wit I was subjected to was actually brilliant fun and I don't think anyone meant me too much any harm. Bingo, Razor, JB, Mon, Dev, Jambo and anyone else I've forgotten (those mentioned were the most cutting :-)) I make this solemn vow to you. I'm NEVER gonna lead a trade in chat again! I promise! I'll leave it to the pro's and resume my status of amateur observer and comedic commentator.

Anyone reading who fancies the atmosphere of the chatroom - believe me you'll pick up plenty of tips and picks - and, as long as you've a thickish skin you'll enjoy the banter. You will also, along the way, make a bit of money (as long as you steer clear of my trades!).