Friday, 1 October 2010

A month has flashed past - time for a performance review

I have got to say that I am generally very happy with the way this is going overall. Despite a recent 'blip' I am still ahead of the model AND have withdrawn over £250 against an original stake of £100.

Who knows what would have happened had I not drawn that money down? Would I have continued trading in a calm, sensible way, taking the green and the red at the right time, or would I have become reckless again and blown my advantage. Fortunately we'll never know - which says to me that I did the right thing!

Bearing in mind that I have 3 full months only left, that £2000 still looks a VERY long way off, but I am confident that I can get myself back on track and conquer it.

I am conscious that since starting my new job that my trading has become a bit more erratic. I think this is because I am trying to trade every day, no matter what time I'm getting in, and am getting a bit gung-ho over the trades I'm taking on. When I trade the right games, and trade them well, my daily target is usually busted by quite a margin. I have therefore decided not to trade every day - I will try to look properly at the cards the night before and only trade those games which I have over 60% confidence in.


  1. Great going. When you say games in which you have 60% confidence in, what exactly do you mean? I assume you only pick games which meet the odds requirements you explained in your post explaining the strategy? Do you sometimes pick games at the extreme ranges of those odds that have teams with recent form that does not back up the market prices?

  2. It's probably a lot less scientific than it sounds - in a nutshell I'm really talking about 'gut feeling' as long as the stats and odds match it..

  3. hi gundulf great blog good luck im thinking of doing a similar thing compounding, was just wondering if you would be very kind to send me a copy of your excel spreadsheet so i can use the formulas because i am rubbish with exceL! I Just think it will help me focus on the goal!
    my email is
    Thanks Alex
